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Looking Beyond Today

Mark Tarchetti

We have built our careers and agency around powering organic growth.  It remains the most powerful value creation lever available to a successful brand, but is often elusive.  There are many tactics to help you grow in the short-term, but the most enduring growth is when it is simultaneously ingrained in your culture and your strategy and nurtured over time.  Why so?


Well because this deals with the biggest barriers to growth.  The limits we place on our ourselves – in our ideas, focus and how we lead our teams.  Many, many growth initiatives start with a process of reimagination.  Why? Because orthodoxies have become entrenched that have lost the sense of possibility and it is so important to help talented people that know the business look beyond today.   So many businesses are efficient maintenance operations.  Reliable, forecastable, profitable but growing at a pedestrian pace.  This starts with limited short-term objectives and, over time, creates myopic mindsets, rewarding incrementalism.


So how do you start breaking the cycle?  This is where the strategy comes in.  I’ll be honest most businesses don’t have a strategy.  They have a succession of annual plans and sometimes a 3-year business plan which is long on financial ambitions (optimistic) and short on specific actions for the business or the team’s capabilities.  We do a lot of work with private equity and many times when we review 3-year VCPs there is no substance or realism at an activity level.  They are simply statements of ambition but treated as a plan.  The way to break the cycle is change the conversation on the strategy.  Starting in the boardroom.  The single biggest piece of advice I can give is that strategy is entirely about having a point of view on the future and positioning your business to take advantage of the future.  Once you can picture that, the choices and actions that are necessary to turn strategy into action will easily follow.


Shift the conversation to create a new set of discussions.  In consumer products this principally operates on the customer and consumer axis.  Which customers will win?  What will be their priorities and how does this play to our strengths and weaknesses?  What will need to change in our focus and footprint?  Simultaneously what does the consumer really want in this category and what are they going to want tomorrow?  Which segments have growth and consumption potential? Which markets can grow with new investment and activity? What is obsoleting and how long will that take?  This needs exploration AND objectivity.  Dying businesses take decades longer to die than you think, and growth businesses take decades longer to build than you imagine. 


We meet teams who spend all their time in the moment, working ever harder to maintain what they have.  The winning model in consumer products is ideas big enough to build markets and brands strong enough to change behavior.    A strategy and culture that continuously focuses on those simple ideas will grow well beyond what you are today and leave the maintenance brands in the dust.  Put your time and energy into looking forward and beyond today.   Debate it.  Make choices.  Then act on it. 

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